9/18_Council Meeting Summary

2 minutes

$200,000 for Futs Trail.
I voted NO. Passed by a Vote of 4-1.

The futs trail system is a great asset for our community that many people appreciate and use.

I would consider expanding and creating new futs trails and sidewalks for our community if the timing was right and we did not have other priorities and improvements to existing infrastructure. However I do not believe that the timing is right.

Perhaps setting aside these funds for a rainy day would be more advisable? It is my understanding that some of these funds could be used to repair and replace our existing sidewalks.

I often walk my daughter to school and in the less than the mile it takes to get to her school we have to go over many damaged sidewalks. And I hear similar concerns from constiuants from around the city. How can we justify allocating capital to new projects while our existing infrastruxture is in such dire need of repairs?

Therefore I voted no on this allocation, not because I am against the addition of new futs trails but because I believe that we should be spending our constiuents tax dollars more wisely on existing infrastructure or saving this money for a rainy day.

Vote to consider appointing a new member to the
CAC Regional Plan Group in two weeks.
I voted YES. Passed 5-2

Last week I spoke about the perception of many in the community including myself that the regional plan Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) appears to be out of balance and is in need of a broader more diverse representation. I won’t re-hash all of that. Previous blog.

I am also concerned that the Regional Plan Steering Committee may meet behind closed doors out of the light of public scrutiny on September 25. With many in the community questioning the process, its representation and transparency, the regional plan and CAC steering committee should be meeting in full view of the public so that the process is as transparent as possible.

It is important that the entire process be as transparent as possible so that the final document truly represents our community. In order to achieve this the process needs to be transparent, accepting the many viewpoints that our community has.

Voice your opinion.
Regional Plan Blog: http://flagregionalplan2012.wordpress.com/
Contact your Council, http://flagstaff.az.gov/index.aspx?nid=1406
Go to the meeting and voice your comments/concerns:
• Tuesday September 25th, 10:30AM. Aqua Plex. Regional Plan steering committee. May be open to public.
• Thursday September 27th, 2:00PM. Aqua Plex. CAC meeting. Open to public.

Upcoming Events.

• Thursday September 20th, 7:30AM to 9:00AM for coffee and Q&A. 2380 N Oakmont. Continental County Country Club